Ajman Municipality & Planning Department

Ajman Film Biennale “Urban Visions: Architecture & the Future of Cities” Launches First Event at Expo 2020 Dubai with the Participation of 597 Films from 73 Countries


To Take Place Over 3 Consecutive Days

Organized by Ajman Municipality Department and City Space Architecture, in Partnership with Dubai Design District (DDD):

Ajman Film Biennale “Urban Visions: Architecture & the Future of Cities” Launches First Event at Expo 2020 Dubai with the Participation of 597 Films from 73 Countries


The events of the first edition of Ajman Film Biennale, organized by Ajman Municipality & Planning Department and City Space Architecture, Italy, in partnership with Dubai Design District (DDD), kicked off under the banner “Urban Visions: Architecture & the Future of Cities” at Expo 2020 Dubai, to be the first event of type in the Arabian Gulf and the Middle East, shedding light on the role of architecture and the future of cities in various fields for progress towards sustainable development.


This took place during the announcement ceremony of the winners of the competition that was launched in concurrency with the festival, as the ceremony was attended by H.E. Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al Nuaimi, the Director-General of Ajman Municipality & Planning Department, their excellency the general directors of the Government of Ajman, Dr. Luisa Bravo, the Founder & President of City Space Architecture, and representatives of the partners, including Dubai Design District (DDD), with the participation of a collection of architects and specialists, university students and the media.


We Search for Creativity

The festival commenced with an opening speech by Dr. Eng. Mohammed Ahmed bin Omair Al Muhairi, the Department’s Executive Director of the Infrastructure Development Sector, who said: “The World has become a small village. Distances are not more an obstacle that sets us apart, as countries and peoples come together today under the banner of the country of leadership in Expo 2020 Dubai, with love and peace so that minds would communicate and cultures would integrate. Therefore, we have found it appropriate to begin on the first day of Expo in what would yield the full cohesion with the festival’s objectives.”


Dr. Eng. Bin Omair continued: “Biennale addressed the human being everywhere, and searched for creativity in the creation of a common language of dialogue on the actual reality of cities and the development of architecture, so that all this would be captured by creative eyes. Furthermore, it sets forth a clear contemplation of the future plans of cities. Since the first moment of launching the idea, we have set for ourselves a main objective, that is, to focus on the identity, spirit and nature of cities, as every city has what makes it different from the other ones. Therefore, we have launched the short filming competition.”


597 Films from 73 Countries

Dr. Eng. Bin Omair conveyed his happiness about the number of participations and the size of positive interaction, as Biennale received 597 films from 73 countries, a thing which reflects the desire of creative persons to give a bright image of their homelands and to introduce the beautiful past, the contemporary present, and future visions.


A Country of Leadership

In her role, Dr. Luisa Bravo conveyed her utmost happiness for holding the festival in the country of leadership, as Biennale has aimed to introduce the type of urban issues and the innovated solutions for reaching the future, and to enhance dialogue between the various cultures and nationalities that live together in various global cities.”


Dr. Luisa stated that: “She is proud of the cooperation and huge efforts made for ensuring the success of the festival, which displays cinematic videos for all the audience, as 34 films have qualified to the final stage and everybody can see them on the website throughout the days of the festival.”


Dr. Luisa conveyed the regards of the Italian Ambassador and the Italian Consul in the UAE, while she confirmed their full support of the festival and their care for enhancing the means of cooperation and continuing the joint coordination, while she stated: “The festival enjoys the partnership of Dubai Design District (DDD) and Ajman X Center, beside experts and researchers in the same file from the various Emirates of the UAE.”


Awarding Who Deserve 

On its first day, Biennale witnessed awarding the Ministry of Culture & Youth by H.E. the Director-General of the Municipality Department for its big support of the festival, which has launched for the first time. Furthermore, His Excellency awarded the sponsors who have contributed to the success of Biennale’s first edition, as His Excellency appreciated and awarded the judging committee, which contained experts in the field of architecture, content making and scenario & content writing for their important role in the evaluation of the participating films according to a clear methodology and well-studied academic steps for awarding the best.


34 Films Qualify to the Final Stage

From her side, Eng. Alia Mejlad Al Shamsi, the Chairman of the Department’s Urban Observatory and the Head of Ajman Biennale Project Team, talked about the stages of the competition, which was open to the participation of all professionals, amateurs and beginners to take part in its various categories, while she stated: “34 films have deserved to reach the final stage after eliminations by the judging committee.”


It is ought to note that the festival will continue its events for the second day, 15 March, at Dubai Design District (DDD), up to the last day of presentation at Ajman Municipality Department, dated 16 March 2022.

